Classroom Management Apps

A big part of any successful student-centered classroom environment is classroom management. It is nearly impossible to conduct effective teaching or learning in a poorly managed classroom environment. A well managed classroom, however, takes time and effort to accomplish. To help simplify the process and provide a little consistency along the way, I have started using the following 3 apps: Class Dojo, Too Noisy, and Team Shuffle. Here’s how I use these 3 apps respectively and in combination with each other:

Class Dojo


Class Dojo provides a fun way to use positive reinforcement to improve behavior. Once you set up your class list it is very easy to use. I recommend setting up a spreadsheet of all your classes at the beginning of the year for easy access. A lot of apps require you to input every students name. This app is no different. Although you could make it an activity to have the students input their own information, it might be easiest to already have it ready. At my school we separate out kids into color groups, here’s a screen shot of my classes:

In each color group I have about 20 to 26 students, depending on the grade level and day. To create a class you simply go to the website,, login or create an account and then hit “create a class”. Once you have done that you select a grade level and subject, then name the class. I have named all of my classes by grade level and color group. After you name the class it will prompt you to create a list. This is where your spreadsheet comes in. Simply copy and paste and your done. Do that for each class and you are ready to go. The site will assign default avatars for each student that can be changed later. I make changing their avatar a reward for the students sometimes. They seem to like customizing their avatars.

Students entering PE class

I typically have students give themselves a point as they enter my class. If they are disruptive they are not allowed to collect a point. However, they are always allowed to earn there point back by displaying a positive attitude during class. I also like to give an opportunity to the rest of the students to earn extra points by doing the same.

The only down side of this app is that it sometimes has stability issues. The website is solid but I have had to delete and reinstall the app a few times. However, I still feel like using the app is well worth it. My students really like having the ability to give themselves points for good behavior as it is recognized. I think it really helps set the tone for the class. And best of all, it’s free.

Too Noisy


Too Noisy is a sound meter that measures the volume of a given space. I like using this app while my students are transitioning through the hallway or getting water. It brings a new level to the the quit game. I typically will pick one student to hold my iPad with the app running as the class walks down the hallway. This student will show the class how they are doing. I ask the class to please try to keep the gage in the green and keep the sun happy.

If they get too loud the sun will get upset.

If this happens I typically go into the class dojo app on my iPad and take a point away from the person that cause the gage to turn red. If the whole class keeps the gage in the green while we are transitioning the whole class can potentially earn an extra point. In addition, while the class is waiting to be picked up or waiting for the rest of the class to finish getting water, they like playing the quiet game with the iPad. While the class is in line, one student will be holding the iPad showing the students how they are doing. After a while the student will pick a new student to hold the iPad and continue the game.

Team Shake

You can find Team Shake app on the Apple App Store for $.99. This app allows you to create teams or groups randomly. This is another app that allows you to import a class list. Simply click on manage list and copy and paste a class list. Then you can name your list for easy access later. You can create any number of group from your list you need. Here’s an example of four colored groups:

You can save the group to your camera roll, share through social media and even text or email your group to students or colleagues. Team Shake will also allow you to make groups by a given number of group members and you can also randomly select one student of the class using this app

Classroom management is one of those things that people like to say you either got it or you don’t. I don’t agree. I think, like most things, it is an issue of finding what is most comfortable for you and being able to share that with your students. Most of us start out a bit lost and confused. I was fortunate enough to find a group a teachers that helped me find my comfort zone quickly. And after lots of exploration and self realization, I found that I’m happy using technology to help me out. Keep on trying new things and find out what works best for you.